Voices of Humanity Optimistic Overview, March 2018

An old friend of mine often tells me I am dreaming. No way can we achieve human unity. Yet hundreds of millions of us from all nations and religions see the need to cooperate. Voices of Humanity will soon be ready to bring us together.

Existing features

  • Gender and age equality are built into the process.:

  • The voices of humanity (women, men, youth, middle-aged, seniors, humanity-as-one) are consistently intelligent, generous and lively. At the new moon the highest rated message for each Voice of Humanity is emailed to all participants. Over time these voices will change our view of ourselves for the better.

  • Discussions can be local, regional, national or global.

  • A community structure designed to unify the marginalized and to give voice to the positive trends in the world is up and running.

Coming soon

  • A full moon to full moon cycle for action oriented messages will complement the new moon to new moon reflection oriented messages. The highest rated action oriented items each full moon will be our guide for concerted global action.

  • Collective voices for the nations and religions will marginalize the hardliners, who will have to choose between not participating and losing influence or participating in a system that validates our common humanity.

  • “Across the silos” capabilities to allow cooperation between the many positive trends. These include bottom up networking, sub-communities and flexible hierarchies of communities. These capabilities will make Voices of Humanity the instrument of choice for collective impact projects ranging from local special purpose projects to the global goals of the United Nations.

  • A smart phone app for nuclear disarmament is in the works for this Spring. A Plants and Animals (PandA) app to create collective voices for the species is on the drawing board for implementation by Fall of 2018.

Down the road

  • Handle languages, starting with Spanish.

  • Collective conversations between nations will be enabled. These exchanges will bring in the six voices of humanity across the national lines at every step of the way, thereby preventing hardliners from carrying the day.

  • Peer to peer capability will allow organizations to participate publicly while protecting private communications and emails.

Meanwhile, for 2018 we will be concentrating on our goal of bringing in participants for nuclear disarmament from at least 1000 cities. Please join us!


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by Roger Eaton
2018-03-22 23:11
Message Tags: #voh

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