I believe we have the choice now, of "1000" years of Peace or Armageddon.
There are different beliefs of inequality, primarily based on a false male-only Image of God. Scripture tells us the worship of a false image is Idolatry. A sin because it gives a negative perspective to an equally caring and Loving Creator, who is a Heavenly Mother as well as Father!
The original words Jesus used for God "ABBA", later were translated into patriarchal male-based languages, creating an ideology that misleads! The original Aramaic language of the people of Jesus time was "AB" for Dad and "BA" for Mom, combine "ABBA" or our Heavenly Parent. He, Him, in translating patriarchally does not mean just a male-only god.
Physically both sexes have all the same organ components, some are inner, and some outer, both have the same kind of hormones, that vary in quantity and at different times in one's life. We were created to be complementary, together as a whole be able to recreate the spiritual wholeness of God in physical matter, both male and female created in the image of God, according to two of the three added creation stories of the time in Genesis 1:27 & Gen. 5:1.
Each one of us, as well as the Creation stories, are unique and created for specific purposes, and not used best when misused, by hearts with negative purposes. We need “Equality” in our world today to prevent more disasters, for we now have the military capabilities of destroying our world and are in the process, with two heads of state at the least, in conflict, with hands on the buttons. This should greatly concern us to go to the causes, like our beliefs in inequality.
Praise God! The Choice is still ours, those of us living in these days, if we will work or pray hard for Equal Rights, Equal Respect, with Concern even for our enemies, as the best of the Universal Golden Rule, we can at least be assured of going towards Heaven with our well-known at least, Prophets like Jesus.
"Equality" is the message God gave me over 40 years ago, at my own spiritual "rebirth", I am now 83, yet what we do or fail to do at any age makes a difference, and each one has their own part to play, one that only God's Holy Spirit can reveal to you.
You may have unconsciously gravitated towards the best if you have a good heart, but you'll get more satisfaction, Peace, and Joy if your conscious of the Godly Power that can live within and guide you if your willing to turn your life over to a "Holy Loving of One Another". You will still be able to keep and use your God-given power of choice!
Prophecy is the origin and basis of all Religious beliefs, and "Equality" has been and is given at this time to many, to make it possible to go toward "1000" years of Peace rather than just more war. Prevention and peace of mind are two of the main purposes of Prophecy!
If your heart is in a right relationship with God, (and only you can know that for sure, if not Ask...God's Holy Spirit will help you get there) So you will be able to confirm our world's need for "Equality", and how you can best help yourself, as well as others.
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