Yes, we need a great transition, away from authoritarian ethics maintained by dictatorship to rational ethics maintained by the social contract by all for all, with the goal being something like the HUEP, i.e., Humanianity. The HUEP: We should do that which will promote not only the survival of our species but also as much joy, contentment, and appreciation as possible, and as little pain, suffering, disability, and early death as possible, for everyone, now and in the future. This transition is already occurring, but only to a tiny extent so far. I see it as an exponential change very early in its emergence. Please check out the Humanian Belief Manual, a new, world-wide tool to aid in making that transition. If these concepts have value, then participation in the use of the Belief Manual will help others to do the same, and thus promote the earlier development of this transition, and thus the prevention of an enormous amount of our human-induced tragedy. I would greatly value any feedback regarding these concepts and this new tool.
#sdgs, #voh