Just Got Back from Rome

Just came home from my fourth trip to Rome, feeling good about having been able to actually connect for the third time, with a third Pope since my first trip in 1985, seeing how I am just a nobody, but knowing God had given me the opportunity, even the words to say, to try to convince three of the most important of all men, that inequality, especially for the female half was wrong, evil, the worse kind of idolatry, a sin, this belief and worship in the name of a Patriarchal “Father” or "Padre", creating a male-only false Image of God.

Wrong because God is not a male only, and "not a god of partiality", who is equally merciful and equally just to all, and in the words of Jesus, expects us to be if we want to enter heaven, here or there, to "Love One Another, even our enemies.

Yet, we continue to fail miserably, because we don't come out, from the top down, out of inequality. Because we are mostly sheep, we look to our leaders to guide us, instead of God's Holy Spirit.

We are each unique, with our own special relationship to God that is hard to see, let along comprehend how The Creator of the whole Universe could even care, let alone want a unique relationship with each one of us. But if you will ask you will see that it is true. And just as The Universal Golden Rule is easier to believe in but so hard to actually live by, when your heart is not right with God. It comes by naturally when it is!

Is it fear of others or selfishness when we would prefer not to see others as equals, and only as second best to us, or those we feel more comfortable with! That kind of fear is not from God and neither is selfishness but from a negative source that will take it's toll eventually!

This morning God said in my heart, “If they will not listen to your words, maybe they will listen to the loss of money from those unwilling to support more inequality".

So if you care, stop financially supporting institutions that support inequality, and ask others you know who care to also refuse to financially support any male-run organization that refuses equal rights to the female half.

Betty C. Dudney, April 5th, 2018.
#vohcc, #interfaith

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by Betty Carol Dudney
2018-04-29 17:50
Message Tags: #interfaith, #vohcc

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