Thanks Panda. I was heading out to a Smart Eco-City symposium and didn't have time to search for links . So thanks very much . I have a battle on my hands. The other day oficers from the local public housing authority came to speak with me about a permaculture design I am creating on council land in front of the building my partner and I live in. They are saying it will need to be removed. It US being put there without permission, as demonstration and because this planet and all its life need it. The visit was a bit earlier than hoped for . It was hoped that the garden would be noticed when entered into the local housing authority's garden competition . Instead it is in its early stages. I have written to the council including regarding the necessity of the garden. For planet, for life, for uplifting a community to Love Where We Live ( their own campaign, while children play in and with fly tipping in this area). We have to connect with what gives us breath again and live from that. I so hope I can pull this off. From little things bigger things grow. We are in breach of the lease too. Let's hope the council can see the bigger picture. Lawns cost the earth literally. Especially when sprayed like ours are being .