Julie Matthaei’s essay meshes very well with the aims of Voices of Humanity: http://greattransition.org/publication/feminism-and-revolution.
The first wave of the women’s movement at the beginning of the 20th century won women the right to vote. The second wave, beginning in the late 1960’s began as the assertion of the rights of women to equality with men. Experience through the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s showed that women of different backgrounds had different needs from the largely white middle-class women that headed up the new wave. Taking these differences into account became known as intersectionality. But even with intersectionality, the underlying economic inequality was not being fully addressed. That inequality includes men, children and yes, the animals of planet earth (eco-feminism). This third phase of the women’s movement is called “solidarity”. So we have identity politics, intersectionalism and solidarity as the three phases of modern feminism.
The solidarity movement looks to economic equality for all as a key direction. The next step is for the feminist movement to unite in a solidarity politics with other pro-equality movements to “shift the lens from resist to build” in a nonviolent “r/evolutionary way forward”. We can build the replacement for capitalism within the capitalist system: cooperatives, community gardens, community currencies and the like. This r/evolutionary movement aims “to inspire progressive activists to draw together and align in coordinated lines of synergy.”
Gender equality and economic equality are the co-aims of a nonviolent solidarity movement that takes into account the complexity of human society and the needs of planet earth! Voices of Humanity is the communication tool that can make it happen.
The Voices of Women and Men build gender equality.
The Voice of Humanity-as-One builds solidarity.
The lunar nonviolent action cycle (coming by the end of July, 2018) enables coordinated bottom-up action at every level including global.
The networking feature, expected by this Fall, will implement both intersectionality and solidarity within and across whatever social lines the participants feel are important.
Peer to peer capability will make it possible to bring in existing organizations. Existing organizations must keep control of their membership’s emails, so they need to have their own peer-to-peer instance of VoH which will be separate and under their control, yet fully connected to all the other peers.
Voices of Humanity technology is designed to transcend the national and religious divisions of humanity. We will do this by supporting national and religious identities within a larger framework that supports human unity. With a human unity that also supports diversity, we can achieve the r/evolution we so urgently need.
Clearly we need serious funding. We need a team of at least three proficient programmers to make VoH a serious contender in the social media market. Then we need an office staff of two or three, so let’s say half a million USD a year. That is a lot of money to raise, but in the course of things it is not all that much considering that we have a real chance of leveraging humanity out of its rut into a much more sensible realm of possibilities.
#gr8transition #genderequality, #sdgs #moreequality #panda