Hello to all VoH CC members,
I am so happy to be part of this great initiative. Right now am wondering how we will make it to reach our goals and the United Nations SDGs before 2030. It's all up to us to push it before 2030 is here.
We have a lot of targets we need to tackle so we can turn this world into a better place for everyone, very much including the next generation. I believe if we stay with our current campaigns that we can reach our goals and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals that the United Nations designed for all Nations to adopt and put in action for the good of their citizens and the development of their countries.
SDG1 ,SDG2 ,SDG4 and SDG5 are the most important goals for us to keep in mind. Poverty greatly affects developing countries many of which are found in Africa. Because of poverty some families in these countries lack enough food. Poverty and lack of enough food can trigger wars in these developing countries, so it's up to us to find a way in which we can push the International Community to pressure and help the leaders in these countries to raise funds for programs that tackle poverty and at the same time improve agricultural practices thus ensuring food security in their countries. That's why in this part I am emphasizing the role of SDG1 and SDG2 in improving the livelihoods of those living in developing countries.
Gender equality and education for all must be reached no matter what because these two goals are so important to the wellbeing of all humans that live in this world. Violence against women and girls not only affects them but it also affects the people who live around them. We need to do all we can to realize equality in this World so that women can reach their full potential in business, politics and in decision making in any circumstances, and the girls also need to enjoy their rights and freedoms that is to say the right to education, the right to make their own decisions and so much more. That is the only way we can turn this world into a better place for the next generation. In developing countries like the country where I live, children in rural communities don't enjoy their rights as they should. The International Community needs to help out so that these children also get a chance to enjoy their right to education.
#sdgs #genderequality #vohcc #nvaction