Red and Blue: Together and Apart

With the Democratic Party soon in control of the U.S. House of Representatives, we can expect the divisiveness of American politics to escalate even further. But how can the world come together if the nations are being torn apart?

Should American progressives try to find common ground with Trump supporters? This is an article worth reading:

Unity and Diversity / Together and ApartI do support the idea of finding common ground within each of the nations, very much including America, and suggest the Voices of Humanity "Together and Apart" discussion framework is a good way to go about it.

Voices of Humanity uses a “both/and” strategy to overcome the us-vs-them mindset that makes international cooperation on global issues so difficult.

How does it work? Imagine a collective discussion between the Democrats and the Republicans in America. A simple back-and-forth dialog would just widen the divide.

But if we alternate between red and blue together and red and blue apart then we give voice both to America-as-one and to each of the country’s two major parties separately. In this way we build a sense of American unity that respects American political differences.

Together and Apart conversations are expected to be available on VoH by the end of the year. Any thoughts? Shall we give it a go?

#usa #politics #voh

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by Roger Eaton
2018-11-07 19:18
Message Tags: #usa, #politics, #voh

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