Re: Help end inequality


Best way to create a better world for all, is to stop supporting sexism, racism, or any negative inequalities!

Economic inequality is one of the primary causes of the world’s problem of starvation, violence, and wars, as only a few males now have the economic control of 90% of the world’s income for billions of people and primarily only a few males are in control of most of the religious and political groups. 

The imbalance of inequality and discrimination for the female half as well as racial and cultural prejudices keep our world in violence and wars. Now facing nuclear war that would put us back in the dark ages.

It is the opposite of the universal message, The Golden Rule, to care for others as you would most want to be cared for. Or the teaching of Jesus to Love One Another, even your enemies, as the only way to make them friends instead of enemies! 

Can we stop the financial support of inequality? Please share! 


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by Betty Carol Dudney
2018-11-18 19:24
In reply to this message.

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