VoH Progress Report

We know that the nations and religions of the world and must cooperate to undo humanity’s massive destructive impact on mother earth, and the urgency has become ever more obvious to those who are following the story. It is going to take WWII scale government action to turn things around. If you are not already convinced, read The Uninhabitable Earth - Life After Warming by David Wallace-Wells: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/arts/read-a-chapter-from-the-uninhabitable-earth-a-dire-warning-on-climate-change. To underscore the difficulties we face recently we have seen similar warnings about a loss of species diversity and in particular, a frightening decline in the numbers of flying insects.

So that is the background, and because Voices of Humanity does have a new and promising approach to human affairs, we are keeping at it. This despite the obvious fact that we have not gotten over the great hurdle: no one will use a network if people aren’t already using it. No one else, not even the UN seems to have figured out how to persuade the nations (and religions) to cooperate on the global issues, so we do need to continue our work.

Just for the next month or so the Together and Apart project is on hold while we finish the first VoH app. This app is called Smile for Nuclear Disarmament and will enable users to post their smile for nd with a short message or, to give it some humor, to post their scowl against nuclear weapons. People (some people) do enjoy posting their scowl! They get so few opportunities to do so. (;-) We will use this app to bring in people from around the world with the aim of having posts from a thousand cities by the end of 2019. When we reach this 1000 city goal, we will expand the project to bring together nuclear disarmament groups in as many cities as we can. A sister app will be used as a basis for the Together and Apart project. It is clear that we need to be available on the smartphone as well as the desktop if we are to build a global movement for a human unity that respects diversity.

Then we have our June 26, 2020 goal for persuading the City of San Francisco to adopt a resolution for a UN Goals Advisory Committee to have its first meeting by UN Day 2020 - October 24. This will require putting together a civic, academic, business and government coalition. It is not going to be easy and will require an organized effort for outreach and coordination. We are going to use Salesforce. Salesforce gives up to ten free licences for a nonprofit enterprise. At this point we have our Salesforce entity up, but it itself is hugely complicated, so will take at least another month before we can really begin using it for outreach on the Advisory Committee project. We are looking for help via Taprootplus.org and will have our first session with them tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed!

Thanks so much,

--Roger Eaton
CCI Exec Director

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by Roger Eaton
2019-03-06 01:23
Message Tags: #voh, #nvaction

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