The Story of Spring

They think it begins with their tree
decked out like a float
with the birds talking about it
with the pink bellied clouds
but it starts in a field with a crow
low to the ground
God marks the spot in the grass
tells the wind to go with her breath
and ruffle it
when the whole field sways
the crow goes away
tells the town birds
to wait in the trees
not to jump around
Soon the wind comes and rushes
over everything
making hat fly and scarf fly
apron strings
with her gown she ties a knot around
the town
then unravels it
loosening blossom from twig
making the tree become fat
Then the birds jump about
Then the people send up the poles
Now they think it's begun.

the wind in the trees


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by Sandy Chaves
2019-07-30 00:54
Message Tags: #Culture

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