In translating scriptures into present day patriarchal languages, only the Father Image is used, not the Mother or female half of God. Creating idolatry, a false image of God. Yet, “Both were created, male and female in the Image of God.” * *Genesis 1:27; 5:1.
The Holy Spirit spoke in last Vatican II council of Bishops, Pastoral Constitution, Article 29+,“for The Church to end Discrimination for racism, sex…as not the Will of God”.
The Universal Golden Rule message we find in good hearts and most Scriptures, tell us to treat each other with equal fairness and respect. Inequality being the root cause of wars, most of our violence, poverty. The more cooperative feminine nature would help balance, and help negotiate with the more aggressive male nature, to avoid very destructive nuclear wars.
A handful of males are controlling 90% of our world’s economy, with excess profits and interest, “Usury”. Paying CEO’s millions, to squeeze ever more from the workers and products!
Even workers with good wages, only need one family disaster to wipe out meager savings. Forward, give, or send copy of this page to 3, and if those 3 would send to 3 more, in 15 cycles could reach millions!
Send Post Card to your moral leader, &/or to Pope Francis, Vatican City, Rome, Italy 00120. To stop discriminating against female half and Stop supporting Inequality. E-book is free to read, 99cents to own. Paperback $12. To See:
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