Re: San Francisco Commission on the Status of Women

An early step towards persuading the San Francisco City Hall to create a UN Goals Advisory Committee was to write up a draft resolution for consideration by the SF Board of Supervisors.

That draft resolution did not include a "WHEREAS" for the 1979 UN adoption of CEDAW, the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women. Now the needed clause has been added:

"WHEREAS, The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1979 and has since been ratified by 189 nations though not by the United States;".

See the full draft resolution at

President Carter signed CEDAW, but the Senate has refused to ratify it, leaving the  United States, Palau, the Holy See, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, and Tonga as the only nations who haven't ratified CEDAW.

In 1998, San Francisco became the first city in the world to adopt an ordinance reflecting the principles of CEDAW. The Commission on the Status of Women has the primary responsibility for implementing the ordinance. One direction of special interest is the COSW work to build a network of Cities for CEDAW -

#SanFrancisco #california #un_goals

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by Roger Eaton
2019-11-22 20:03
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