Good news on climate action
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A group of Stanford researchers have carefully researched the possibility of replacing all fossil fuels with clean energy. They report that the world can switch to 80% clean energy by 2030 and 100% clean energy by 2050. " The plan would require a hefty investment of around US$73 trillion. But the researchers' calculations show the jobs and savings it would earn would pay this back in as little as seven years." This plan will avoid 1.5 degree Celsius warming.

One difficulty they found was that "Net job gains occurred in 21 out of 24 world regions. Net losses occurred in regions heavily dependent on fossil fuels, namely Canada, Russia, and parts of Africa. However, additional jobs in those and other regions could result from the need to build more electrical appliances, vehicles, and machines and to increase building energy efficiency, and these jobs were not considered here."

The real difficulty, though, is the political power of the fossil fuel industry. This is one area where Voices of Humanity could make a difference by networking the cities of the world in support of the Goals of the UN.


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by Roger Eaton
2019-12-31 19:23
Message Tags: #climateaction

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