COSW February meeting - next step
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Hi Bronwyn, Irene and Svetlana,

Good to hear you reached out to Andrea Shorter and got a response from Emily Murase. I got your forward of Emily Murase's message asking what we would like to present at the February COSW meeting. It is simple enough. We want

1) COSW support for our draft resolution for a San Francisco UN Goals Advisory Committee - and we need to say that we have had only positive responses from Supervisor aides that we have approached, particularly those of Supervisor Sandra Lee Fewer and Hillary Ronen. Please notice the role of COSW in the proposed Advisory Committee. With a link to the draft:

2) COSW to consider being an early member of the civic / academic / business / government coalition we feel is needed to support the proposed Advisory Committee.

3) COSW to be open to the possibility, down the road, of being the "backbone" of a collective impact project to build the coalition with our Collective Communication, Inc nonprofit providing the "continuous communication" component of the project.

Our Together and Apart feature is not ready, but should be ok to use by the end of the month. Other problems with our online have been fixed and I propose we begin using the new UN Goals A-team VoH forum for our discussion. I will post this message in our VoH forum as well as sending it here.

When we use the UN Goals A-team VoH forum, if you don't change the default setting to "Public", then only the four of us are emailed. The non-public default curtains us off, but still maintains transparency, since anyone can join the A-team community and see all our non-public messages.

Anyone going to the Women's March on Saturday?

#nvaction #UNgoalsAteam

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by Roger Eaton
2020-01-15 02:14
Message Tags: #nvaction, #UNgoalsAteam
This message: Only @UNgoalsAteam

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