Nuclear Disarmament is Key to SDG success
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Well I have posted this before, but it cannot be said too often. Nuclear arms foster an us-vs-them dog-eat-dog world that lacks the international trust needed to implement the SDGs. After all, what is your opinion of a nation that targets your nation's cities with destruction? Can you cooperate fully with such a nation?

Then there is the expense with trillions of dollars budgeted, money that could find a better use to say the least. And not insignificantly, there is a real possibility of nuclear war, whether by technical mistake or madman's actions or out of control escalation, as long as we have these devices, especially on hair-trigger alert, it can happen. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists have recently set the Doomsday Clock forward to 100 seconds to midnight - as close as it has ever been.

Therefore it is important that we include the original goals of the UN, peace and disarmament, in the package.

Easier said than done. We must create bottom up sense of human unity - and that is where Voices of Humanity has a role to play.

#UNgoals4cities #peace #apart

This item was posted by a member of #peace in The UN Goals conversation in apart mode.
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by Roger Eaton
2020-04-03 18:11
Conversation: The UN Goals
Message Tags: #UNgoals4cities, #peace, #apart

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