The Next Step for Voices of Humanity Cooperation Circle

What makes Voices of Humanity special? Imagine if Facebook could list the top-liked posts from the last 30 days with selection by gender and age? That is what Voices of Humanity does that is different.

VoH is a tool for building a human unity that respects diversity. One by one, Voices of Humanity participants will realize that humanity is on our side. As that lesson sinks in, we will develop a heartfelt global consciousness -- exactly what we need if we are to cooperate on environmental and social problems across all national, religious and cultural boundaries.

URI provides a safe and inclusive space for its members. Take that sense of safety and expand it to include all of humanity. That’s what Voices of Humanity can achieve for us once we get it off the ground. It’s the “network effect” that is holding us back. Nobody wants to participate in a network unless a lot of other folks are already participating.

So what do we do? My suggestion is we use Voices of Humanity to decide on a nonviolent collective action. We each post our own idea and we comment and vote on the posts. Then we all take the top voted nonviolent action and implement it locally. Finally we write up and post our stories about how it went. It should be fun and exciting since it is a bottom up process and we don’t know exactly where it is going to go.

The trick here is that we will wait until we have a list of one hundred and one people who say they will participate if another one hundred people have also agreed to participate. This gets us over the network effect. So far we only have 10 people on the list. Please, please email me (rogerweatonATgmail) to be added to the list.

I will be sending a personal email to as many URI participants as I can, asking them to join us. That should increase our numbers in the VoH CC community on Voices of Humanity, and get us to the 101 target.

It takes time to digest the possibilities that Voices of Humanity technology has opened up. Please ask and I will do my best to answer your questions. That will get a conversation going here on Voices of Humanity ahead of the nonviolent collective action project and give everyone a chance to get acquainted with how VoH works.

Keep well!

#nvaction #vohcc #interfaith

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by Roger Eaton
2020-06-12 15:59
Message Tags: #interfaith, #vohcc, #nvaction
This message: Only @vohcc

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