Re: Who Would You Be Without Yourself? / PandA
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Got me thinking, David. Could the Voice-of-Humanity-as-One help us be free? Humanity-as-one has no gender or age, no nationality or any other particular perspective. I see Humanity-as-one as the ally of the individual, supporting our desire to be free.

That still leaves us attached to our species, though. The Plants-and-Animals PandA project could be implemented for VoH by adding an adopted-species to our profiles. We need a simple structure. For plants, perhaps aquatic/flowers/shrubs/trees/other. For animals, perhaps amphibians/birds/fish/insects/mammals/reptiles/other. Then each participant can name a particular species within the selected category.

#culture #voh

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by Roger Eaton
2020-08-13 17:31
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