Re: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Dear Roger,

Your article is superior!  You highlighted the good and the bad which is vital so we can see where efforts are needed for change.

Yes, we need both PEACE and the SDG's.  

Your A&T initiative is excellent. I wish you good luck with it!

Most of all, your observation that Nuke Disarmament could not be with the SDG's because otherwise it wouldn't have passed is profound.  And your observation the TRUST is the pivotal concept is essential and I believe, the most important goal to achieve peace.  

I believe a new global peace movement is needed, a Gandhi / King-like "people movement" as an anti-war movement and a movement of goodwill to create trust. Without it, the SDG's and the Anti-Nuke efforts will fail.  Sec-General Guterres set the stage!  His call for a "Global Cease-Fire" is perfect. 

The "people" in every country can be asked to promote the cease-fire because stopping war affects all issues !!!  Thus, military spending can be allotted to humanitarian and climate issues -- Covid, and all the SDG's ...

I compliment you for all your efforts!!!

Peace and Love, 
Andre (at)  


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by Andre Sheldon
2020-09-14 14:23
In reply to this message.
Conversation: The UN Goals
Message Tags: #UNgoals4cities, #un_goals, #together

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