Beautiful, so well done. Thank You
We Honor the Greatness of our Sister's life and work for all, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Our debt we can only repay by continuing her work for the Female half of God's Image.
Since God gave me the Word of “Equality” ten years after giving it to Vatican II in 1965 to end Discrimination for race or sex. Have been trying to write about and working for the Equal Rights of All. Have been aware of ProLife, and ProChoice needing Reconciliation, being both equally valued, and equally Valid.
Praying for a reconciliation between the two, as both moral/legal decisions needing to be settled. The Human Rights for the unborn as well as for those already born!
We must start with the already born human rights of the mother not as a second right, as some in the Church are trying to say, when a choice has to be made! The Mother often being no more than a child herself, whether pregnant from rape, incest or her own sexual-hormonal lack of control, or even if denied contraception!
When forced to be responsible for the physical, mental, spiritual growth of herself, as well as a developing child, we know both are affected in many negative ways, such as over 70% of inmates testify to have been mistreated, abused and unloved from being raised in such homes. Raised without sufficient Parental Love creates a revengeful, deeply disturbed child. All have the inherent rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, but not without the willing consent of the life or liberty and pursuit of happiness of another.
The yet unborn rights of a fetus, legally extend not above the danger to the Mother’s life, her already other children, and even those starving by the thousands, with millions in daily hungry already born, who have as much rights to sufficient food or shelter, basic needs for life, as any other.
When to the extent the unborn is humanly developed enough to accept if available, needed medical help and to be able to live outside the womb till birth, could put the final decision in the hands of a Doctor/Judge, sworn to consider the physical, mental state of the Mother, Father, or any concerned Family members, or Community members who make the moral-legal decisions, or help pay expenses and the call for medical/social help. The financial burden being provided by the Family involved where possible, and when not, by the Community, County, or State on a sliding scale.
Based on these moral-legal premises, all human life has the right to be cared lovingly for in family settings and to have the best available moral, legal monitoring until able to provide financially for their self. For everyone's mutual agreement we need to stop and take the time needed to clarify, implement, work towards Reconciliation for ProLife-ProChoice.
For "BLESSINGS WITHIN": Viral Plagues of inequality. See at: