UN Goals for Cities - San Francisco Climate Plan
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Voices of Humanity has two Apart and Together conversations in progress. We are in test mode and have found several problems that are in process of being fixed. Please consider participating anyway.

UN Goals for Cities is one of the two conversations, and The Nations is the other. The Cities of the world are the best route to that massive bottom up movement needed to convince the nations to cooperate on climate change and wildlife destruction, the two most pressing global issues on the environmental side.

When you click in, you will see that you can choose both a "perspective" and a topic. Your possible perspectives are defined by the UN Goals communities you have joined. Your available topics are a list of all the UN Goals. This item has SDG 11, better cities as its perspective, and SDG 13, climate action as its topic.

By using the same list of goals as both perspectives and topics, the UN Goals for Cities enables the kind of "across the silos" thinking that can underpin a global movement.

Here is the link to the San Francisco Climate Plan: https://onesanfrancisco.org/hazard/overview.

I found this link via https://www.cdp.net/en/. Here is how CDP describes itself: "CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. Over the past 15 years we have created a system that has resulted in unparalleled engagement on environmental issues worldwide." If you join CDP, which is easy to do, you can look up reports from your own city.

#UNgoals4cities #bettercities #apart

#UNgoals4cities #bettercities #apart #climateaction

This item was posted by a member of #bettercities in The UN Goals conversation in apart mode.
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by Roger Eaton
2020-09-25 18:08
Conversation: The UN Goals

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