America was so fortunate to have had Ruth Ginsberg intelligence and balance to the court. Looks like we may lose it now for those who believe in inequality and 'might makes right' that kind of negative idolatry is what has led us into one war after another, because it causes revenge! Instead of God's Love One Another with a Holy Love, Do not Kill each other!
Our Pope has come out against one of our most unequal world systems of Economic inequality with 1% controlling up to 90% of world's economy causing the death daily of thousands of children dying from starvation, millions going to bed hungry, and workers getiing only a small wage compared to profits made. Best Good News I've heard from our Holy Pope. Now if enough Priest or Pastors will read it maybe they will see inequality for the female half, especially within The Church is wrong. God's people is where morality should be flowing into the world from.
#Fratelli Tutti" makes strong stand of Everyone's Equal Rights and debunks trickle down theory. Starts with economic inequality. Do not financially support inequality, or any kind.
#UNgoals4cities #climateaction #together #un_goals