Re: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
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In my talk to the Richmond Rotary club, I said that "The two most obvious of humanity’s self-destructive ways, besides war, are climate change and biodiversity loss." Climate change is widely recognized as a serious problem, but biodiversity loss is just beginning to be seen for what it portends.

Now the Swiss reinsurance giant Swiss Re has come out with an analysis of the economic impact of biodiversity loss stating that “A staggering fifth of countries globally are at risk of their ecosystems collapsing due to a decline in biodiversity and related beneficial services.” See

There is a path leading to the international cooperation we need. It begins with getting Voices of Humanity off the ground. Our new startup date for the International Conversation is January 15. If you cannot see your way to participating, well fine. But if you can, please contact me.

#UNgoals4cities #un_goals #together

This item was posted by a member of #un_goals as a comment on a #un_goals item in The UN Goals conversation in together mode.
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by Roger Eaton
2020-10-13 16:57
In reply to this message.
Conversation: The UN Goals
Message Tags: #UNgoals4cities, #un_goals, #together

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