What we do, or fail to do
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Thanks for all you have done and do that is good and help makes life better. We are beginning the winter of a Biblical Plague, none of us have experienced before. A great danger to not only our present Democracy and Freedom but potentially even physical life itself. Decisions we make will determine the fate of our eternal souls, whether we follow gods of inequality or a God of Equality, by what we do, or fail to do!

Because of beliefs in gods of inequality and might makes right, we are fast losing control of our food supply by the misuse of GMO's seeds by three of the worlds largest Corporations, owned primarily by the 1% using toxic and other carcinogenic chemicals to sterilize the seeds of corn and rice seeds, they have patented. Those who control our food supply will control many prices as well as our health. GMO seeds also make sterile, any similar Organic or natural seeds grown nearby.

The Universal Golden Rule of treating others as you would like to be treated, is similar to Christ Love for One Another, even your enemies, the only way to make friends instead and the Equality of Equal Rights and Respect.

There is a way to confirm for yourself with God, even get daily guidance; first must clean your heart, by asking forgiveness of any known sin you have done and forgiving those who have sinned against you. As you forgive so will you be forgiven! Ask with your whole heart to experience a Spiritual "Rebirth" to hear and be able to understand God's Holy Spirit guidance.  Please Share!

For more info: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1689926341 - Paperback or E-book-BLESSED WITHIN a Plague of inequality

Grandma Betty

#UNgoals4cities #moreequality #vohcc #apart

This item was posted by a member of #moreequality in The UN Goals conversation in apart mode.
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by Betty Carol Dudney
2020-11-17 17:27
Conversation: The UN Goals
Message Tags: #UNgoals4cities, #moreequality, #vohcc, #apart

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