The Voices of Humanity International Conversation begins January 15, 2021. The Nations conversation aims for peace between the nations, nothing less than a cure for what ails humanity! Peacemakers, please register to add your voice on behalf of your nation. You will be sent a confirmation email in the next day or two and full instructions on January 15.
Is it possible that most people feel a kinship with all of humanity AND love their nations? That’s what Voices of Humanity is betting on. An "Apart & Together" collective conversation between The Nations will tell us if we are on the right track.
The Apart & Together VoH feature uses the lunar phases to alternate between each nation electing messages separately and all the nations together electing messages to represent our common humanity.
By supporting our national identities in a context that also supports our common humanity, we can overcome the distrust between the nations that is making it impossible to address very serious global issues such as climate change and wildlife loss.