The Cities and then The Religions
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If you click in to Voices of Humanity you will see a relatively new button in the upper left "The Nations". Click that and you can add your voice on behalf of your nation.

The Nations implements a collective conversation between the nations using the "Apart and Together" feature. At the full moon, we begin a "Together" phase of the conversation where all the messages from all the nations are listed together. At the new moon we begin an "Apart" phase where each nation elects its own messages to represent itself.

Coming soon we will have also "The Cities" button to implement an Apart and Together conversation between the cities of the world. Then, not too far down the road "The Religions" button will be added for a similar A&T conversation between the religions (with non-religious folks having their own voice).

I am reminded of a famous quote from Hans Kung at the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions: "There will be no peace among nations until there is peace among religions. And there will be no peace among religions until there is dialogue among religions."

Your participation is needed. Please consider - in person global conferences are very helpful, but we need a bottom up conversation between the religions as well. Such a conversation can only happen via the internet. Let's make it happen!

Here is an article from The Interfaith Observer:

"The challenge, however, remains to effect change." This is what a massive bottom up interfaith conversation can deliver.

#vohcc #interfaith

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by Roger Eaton
2020-12-24 18:05
Message Tags: #vohcc, #interfaith

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