The World Federalist Movement is an umbrella organization with 30 to 50 thousand members world wide. It is dedicated to the formation of a federal world government that is democratic and dedicated to the goals of the United Nations.
It is a good idea. Only global issues fall under the purview of the world federalist government and we do need full cooperation on a number of very serious global issues, the kind of cooperation we don't have in today's us-vs-them international atmosphere.
Because it is the nations that will be federated, the world federalist movement is concentrated on international relations. But it is the cities that fully endorse the goals of the UN. They do not have armaments and they are the targets for nuclear weapons, so they are naturally supportive of peace and disarmament. A strategy that includes building a global network of cities for all the goals of the UN would, I believe, greatly strengthen the World Federalist Movement.
#The_Nations #UnitedStates #un_goals #together