VoH CC Steering Committee
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Shakeel Earnest and I had a good zoom meeting. Shakeel is secondary contact for the URI Voices of Humanity Cooperation Circle and I am the primary contact. We decided to build a Steering Committee for the VoH CC using zoom and our online vohcc community (where this message is being posted).

We have a difficult question we need to answer. Why? Why participate in Voices of Humanity? Why join the VoH CC Steering Committee? The answer, on the positive side, is that Voices of Humanity is the tool we need to build a massive global movement in support of the goals of the United Nations. On the negative side, what other options do we have? There is no workable plan to overcome the international distrust caused by nuclear weapons.

Voices of Humanity can build the global unity we need to handle the difficult problems the world faces, including climate change, the destruction of nature fostered by the human economy and the threat of nuclear war.

We need appealing online materials that explain Voices of Humanity and how to use it. Animated video comes to mind. Voices of Humanity has a dozen useful features, each of which will need its own video: 

  • Why the focus on the Goals of the United Nations?

  • Easy way to join via Facebook or Google.

  • Voting on messages.

  • Built in gender and age equality.

  • Nonviolent action mode.

  • Communities.

  • The Nations - an Apart and Together conversation between the nations.

  • The Cities - an Apart and Together conversation between the cities.

  • The UN Goals - an Apart and Together conversation across the issue silos.

  • In progress - The Religions - an Apart and Together conversation between the religions.

  • In progress - Facebook like connection with friends and followers.

  • In progress - connection to the Fediverse.

  • In progress - bottom up networks.

  • Down the road - peer to peer networking of multiple Voices of Humanity hubs.

Please do join our VoH CC steering committee by participating in the vohcc community on Voices of Humanity to build momentum. We will also be having zoom meetings to get to know each other better. And if you are a facebook member, please join our Voices of Humanity 101 group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/122363906371824.

Best to all,

#vohcc #interfaith

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by Roger Eaton
2021-03-06 18:12
Message Tags: #vohcc, #interfaith

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