The Russian invasion of the Ukraine
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Let’s hope Putin’s war against the Ukraine fails and he is peacefully ousted from control of Russia. That would be a great outcome not least because the world has been awakened again to the dangers of nuclear weapons.

Quoting from a recent Newsweek article: "Nuclear weapons are back, but they never really went away," says Caitlin Talmadge, Associate Professor of Security Studies at Georgetown University. "What's new in the present era is that the three great powers with nuclear weapons are entering a period of renewed competitive relationships. We're talking about a world where in peacetime, in crisis and in conflict there is a nuclear shadow over states' interactions.

"We're getting a preview of that shadow in this war."

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This item was posted by a member of #nuclear_disarm in The UN Goals conversation in apart mode.
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by Roger Eaton
2022-03-06 18:49
Conversation: The UN Goals
Message Tags: #The_UN_Goals, #nuclear_disarm, #apart, #peace

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