Project Drawdown update
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Project Drawdown is a practical approach to climate change. The impressive Drawdown team has just added 11 new solutions to their list:

" All solutions are based on an extensive analysis of the scientific literature and sophisticated modeling(link is external) and share six key traits that set them apart from other sets of climate mitigation strategies. They 1) are currently available, 2) are growing in scale, 3) are financially viable, 4) are able to reduce greenhouse gas concentrations in Earth’s atmosphere, 5) have a net positive impact, and 6) are quantifiable under different scenarios."

Just with these solutions, the amount of CO2 in the air will begin to drop by 2050. Is it enough? Probably not, but since these are all doable, the world should start doing them as well as continuing the quest for additional solutions.

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This item was posted by a member of #climateaction in The UN Goals conversation in together mode.
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by Roger Eaton
2022-06-27 16:49
Conversation: The UN Goals

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