Q: Do nuclear arms contribute to a sense that we live in an us vs them world?
A: Yes, nuclear arms can contribute to a sense that we live in an "us vs them" world by reinforcing the idea of national security and national interest. The possession of nuclear weapons by a country can create a sense of superiority and dominance over other countries, which can lead to an arms race and an escalation of tensions between nations.
The "us vs them" mentality can also create a sense of fear and distrust between countries, leading to the belief that the possession of nuclear weapons is necessary for self-defense. This can further reinforce the idea that other countries are potential threats, and that the possession of nuclear weapons is necessary to protect one's own country.
Moreover, the possession of nuclear weapons can also create a sense of mistrust between countries, as each nation tries to maintain an advantage in terms of its nuclear capabilities. This can lead to a situation where countries are more likely to view each other as adversaries rather than as potential partners in creating a more peaceful and secure world.
In summary, the possession of nuclear weapons can contribute to a sense of an "us vs them" mentality by reinforcing the idea of national security and national interest, and by creating a sense of fear and mistrust between nations.
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