Global Strategy of Nonviolence, For the Children
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Namaste!  Salam, Shalom, Mir!

I humbly submit that the answer to the problems is to do what Gandhi and King did -- ask the people to commit to nonviolence.  Nonviolence creates respect and trust.  It is not just about protesting.  

The plan I propose is called a Global Movement of Nonviolence, For the Children (GMofNV) because it has to be everywhere, in every country, and we want to show the children that there is another way of resolving conflicts.   Therefore the objective of promoting nonviolence is to socialize the children so it has lasting affect!

There are hundreds and hundreds of quotes about nonviolence.  Gandhi and King are famous for movements of nonviolence.  That is why I chose the name.  It is synonymous with success!

It is the welfare of the children, and their children, that is the motivation for people in every village, town, and city to participate.  It is the children that are mentioned in commentary and articles that refer to the strife, suffering, and death that war imposes upon them.

Lastly, it is women whom are usually the caretakers of the children, family, and community.  Women are usually socialized to be the least physically violent.  Howard Zinn wrote to me,  "No doubt, women represent nonviolence best!"

A full plan is prepared as an EMERGENCY PLAN to prevent, defuse, and stop war  -- and it is ready now!  

The wars in Ukraine and Gaza are derailing efforts to address the world's crises -- especially the climate crisis.  We have to stop war!

Vandana Shiva said in this short video, “Nonviolence, in my view, is stronger than violence.  Stronger because it builds the resilience of the spirit.  And no power on earth, no force on earth can crush the spirit!”  

(Fast Fwd to 32:25)

Martin Luther King wrote, “Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time; the need for mankind to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression and violence.  Mankind must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation.  The foundation of such a method is love.” 

Will you write about it?  

Peace and Love,



Andre Sheldon

Founder and Director, Global Strategy of Nonviolence, For the Children 

Facilitator, CALL to WOMEN, a World-Wide Unity Campaign       

Website:   (A new website is planned)

Facebook: Global Movement of Nonviolence


Sister Joan Chittister, September 11th, 2004, at the Omega / V Day conference: “Women and Power, Our Time to Lead” said“The lives of our children, the protection of millions, the hopes of all humankind, wait again now for women, from opposite cultures, opposite tradition, to step over the line of political hatred to save them.”  (I was there)

#nvaction #peace

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by Andre Sheldon
2024-02-26 00:06
Message Tags: #nvaction, #peace
The author was not a member of the @peace community.

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