Why us?
Few months ago, the president Bush visited my country. it was something really impresive, a very big event.
Some of the impresive things was that at least 3000 agents, militars and security personnel arrived to our country one week
before the president arrival, also several helicopters, aircraft carriers (with its aircrafts), armored cars, combat tanks and hundreds of weapons of several calibers they passed by our customs. To understend this better I can tell you that our entire army does not have even the 5% of all this equipment. As far as I know we have at most ten combat aircraft (from the second world war), no aircraft carrier, and of course limited tech. Also on those days all our cable tv was working weird, with several interferences, weird noises, etc .In the same way our Internet connection was woking very bad, with several breaks. Its seems that someone was chekcing all our comunications. So as you can see those days were something very different. The answer to all this interference was supported on the prevention of foreing terrorist, trying to attack in our unprotected land.

Besides all this comments and taking care that my country has only 3 millions people (1.5 is rural people), and a very small economy which is not cleary importat for the huge USA economy, the question is. Why us? Why the Bush administration is taking all this measures to stablish a strong link with us? Perhaps is because we are in the middle of two big countries (Brazil y Argentina), perhaps is because we are one of the memebers of the MERCOSUR ( composed by Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and of course Venezuela, with which our goverment has a strong relationship)?, perhaps is because we have (shared with Paraguay and Argentina) the biggest drinkable water reserve on erth?.

So, I really woudl like to know why us.


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2007-08-05 22:00

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