Re: Discussion Idea for July

Hi Deborah,


What you have expressed is what we should all be working towards as a human being.  The other day I was watching this progam on Natgeo about our Solar System and our Planet Earth, it was emotionally overwhelming to see our Planet and how it has been poviding for us for so many years and yet we do nothing about preserving it or enjoying the bounties she has provided in the form of diversity, cultures and the beautiful environment we thrive in.  Instead we choose to engage ourselves in constant territorial spat.

We all seem so insignificant in comparision - everything pales down in the face of it.  We are so pre-occupied with our selves to look over the bigger picture - Climate Change, Hunger and other humanitarian issues that you have reflected upon.

It would be great to establish such initiatives and get people involved.

Cheers to that!!



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by naliniessen naliniessen
2013-07-29 23:07
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