Re: The Mega chat

Hi Marcelo, 

> I think this tool is great but the rhythm of this tool is
> pretty much different from those of the  massive social
> networks. There everthig goes faster, with simple concepts
> or just news, photos, regullar chat. In oposite to that, this
> tool requires attention, deep thinking and personal opinion,
> event took action.

You have put your finger on something important.  Much as we might want to win the race against facebook, twitter and google, it is not a practical direction for us at this point.  We can leverage the existing social media and we should - like automatically tweeting highly rated items - but we have to realize that InterMix is currently much more like a listserve when it comes to rhythm. 

The one thing we can do that no other social media does is to bring groups together across group lines.  I think that has to be our selling point for now.  Down the road I don't see why we cannot build up the usual person-to-person social media facilities.

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by Roger Eaton
2013-08-25 11:26
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