Re: equality for all

Hi MaryJane,

Your report on the panel of African women jurists got me thinking.

When I look up three phrases together on google, I get 92 hits: "good ol boy network" "gender equality" "rule of law".  It is something of a puzzle to me. The good ol boy network is a form of solidarity among men and gets my respect on that score, but the rule of law is what is needed to promote gender equality. 

I am expecting our Gender Crosstalk will build a new kind of solidarity among men within a framework of gender equality that also strengthens solidarity among women and engenders (;-) an overall sense of heartfelt human unity that respects diversity.  This would amount to a welcome rewrite of the social contract. 

I hope a lot more men will join us here and write a message to be sent to the the Exec Director of UN Women.

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by Roger Eaton
2014-06-07 16:20
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