Re: CEDAW Accountability

> Equal pay for equal work for both men and women

The greatest part of pay inequality stems from women's role as primary caregivers in the family. Most of family caregiving is unpaid and most is done by women. It is a tricky problem.

Somehow men have to be persuaded to take a bigger role at home. If childcare were well paid by the state, that would bring the men in, but an economic incentive to have children will make it harder to keep peak population at a reasonable number.

Just for discussion, how about a tax based on income and the number of children and then decent pay to parental caregivers, but the same pay regardless of how many children? With the right parameters, that could reduce inequality between rich and poor and also between women and men, and would even help with population.

Once we get the cycle started, the new men caregivers will develop greater esteem for caregiving and that will settle the new policy in.  

Any thoughts?

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by Roger Eaton
2016-04-06 23:08
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