Re: Please check Prefab list of VoH Communities


Global Communities - check to join
[  ] Climate Action: combat climate change (@climate_action)
[  ] Commons movement (@commons)
[  ] Gender equality: empower all women and girls (@genderequalty)
[  ] Global Justice Movement (@global_justice)
[  ] Great Transition: big systemic changes are needed (@gr8transition)
[  ] Indigenous peoples (@indigenous)
[  ] Interfaith movement (@interfaith)
[  ] Labor movement (@labor)
[  ] Nonviolence: a force more powerful (@nonviolence)
[  ] Nuclear Disarmament (@no_nukes)
[  ] Other minority: disadvantaged minorities (@minority)
[  ] Peace with general and complete disarmament (@peace)
[  ] Refugees, asylees, illegal immigrants (@refugees)
[  ] Save the children (@save_children)
[  ] UN Goals (@un_goals)
[  ] Veterans (@veterans)
[  ] Voices of Humanity supporters (@voh)

[More Communities] <-- this button will open up the following additions

[  ] UN Goals (@un_goals)
[  ] Peace with general and complete disarmament (@peace)
[  ] Nuclear Disarmament (@no_nukes)
[  ] Human Rights: UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (@human_rights)
[  ] Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (@cedaw)

[  ] UN Sustainable Development Goals (@sdgs)
[  ] End poverty in all its forms everywhere (@end_poverty)
[  ] End hunger and promote sustainable agriculture (@end_hunger)
[  ] Good health for all at all ages (@good_health)
[  ] Good education: inclusive, equitable quality education for all (@good_education)
[  ] Gender equality: empower all women and girls (@genderequalty)
[  ] Clean water: sustainable clean water and sanitation for all (@clean_water)
[  ] Renewable energy: affordable, reliable, sustainable energy for all (@renewablenergy)
[  ] Good jobs and sustainable development for all (@good_jobs)
[  ] Better infrastructure: innovative and resilient economic underpinning (@infrastructure)
[  ] More equality: reverse the trend toward economic inequality (@more_equality)
[  ] Better Cities: inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable urban areas (@better_cities)
[  ] Simplifying: do more and better with less (@simplifying)
[  ] Climate Action: combat climate change (@climate_action)
[  ] Protecting the oceans (@protect_oceans)
[  ] Protecting land resources, biodiversity (@protect_lands)
[  ] Peace and justice: end violence and corruption (@safe_for_all)
[  ] SDG partnerships: organize across the silos (@sdg_partners)

#voh #un_goals

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by Roger Eaton
2016-11-05 17:55
In reply to this message.
Message Tags: #voh, #un_goals

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