The Creative Force, Power, Being, by what ever name or language you use, cannot be limited to just the male sex!
Just as The Universally found Golden Rule of Loving others as you you are most capable of Loving Yourself, cannot apply to just self, but equally to others.
Some narrow it to just those who are like themselves, but that is a very narrow definition, and another form of selfishness and turns into a negative, because it limits and isolates the Holiness = Wholeness of Love.
It is included in the Prophecy of "Equality" because it applys to all, in the most creative sense!
The practice of inequality and unfair hoarding of profits, most created by workers and consumers, are needed for the people’s needs and not just used for a few, or in power wars as for hundreds of years now! Maybe why I was shown God’s Hand at five years old, and not another such sign for over 25 years when given just the One Word of “Equality”.
“Equality” means people, regardless of their sex or race have Equal Rights. Also called The Golden Rule: to treat each other with Equal Respect and Concern!
Males in control when writing scriptures, hid the feminine nature of God with Patriarchal languages using only male nouns or pronouns to limit God, creating a form of idolatry. Yet the first and official Priestly version in Genesis 1:27, and the third Creation story beginning in Chapter 5:1, tell us male and female were both created in the God’s Image.
In the Aramaic language spoken in Jesus time. “ABBA” for God meant “Our Heavenly Parent” (AB for Dad and BA for Mom), and not just a “Father”. (Gotten in Old City of Jerusalem Armenian Monastery Library, from oldest Aramaic definition of "ABBA" the language of the people in Jesus's time.)
Within Christian Churches Pope Francis could help most to end discrimination, especially for the female half, and be an example to ending inequality in our world. Clearly stated since Vatican II, in the Pastoral Constitution, article 29+, “to end discrimination because of race or sex…as not the Will of God”.
Please share especially with His Holiness Pope Francis. May need international stamp, Vatican City State, in Rome, Italy 00120.
Betty C Dudney