Re: Nuclear disarmament

What do you think about the "No More Facist" group wanting to go to the streets on Nov 4th, Nationwide? Is there a better way to fulfil the 


The world's civil and moral balance needs strong equal rights for racism and ending discrimination of the female half. 

Unfair profit hoarding by the elite, of the profits created by the workers, including managers and consumers, better meant for all people’s needs, not just for the greed of a few who incite power wars. As current bullies of inequality edge us closer to nuclear destruction.

The Word of “Equality”, like the Golden Rule means to treat All with Equal Respect and Concern! 

Seek The Holy Spirit within, to confirm, to be guided best in this life, and for the world to come!

Please share on net, and/or send a copy to Pope Francis, at Vatican City State, Rome, Italy 00120. May need 3 stamps or an International. 

#vohcc, #nuclear_disarm

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by Betty Carol Dudney
2017-10-02 09:10
In reply to this message.
Message Tags: #vohcc, #nuclear_disarm

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