Re: Nuclear disarmament

> What do you think about the "No More Facist" group wanting to go to the streets on Nov 4th, Nationwide? Is there a better way to fulfil the PROPHECY OF “EQUALITY”

I hadn't even heard of this Nov 4th Refuse Fascism movement, Betty. Here is the main link: From what I read this group is focused against Trump and his regime. Support for gender equality is tangential. That is by being against Trump, the movement supports genderequality and many other excellent objectives, however they don't seem to be thinking of what they want to accomplish if they/we succeed in removing Trump and Pence. Here is their poster for women and lgbtq:

Yes, I think we should be worried that Trump may get us into a serious war, perhaps with nuclear weapons being used as a method of consolidating power. And the Refuse Fascism movement does not espouse violence (tho it does not condemn antifa violence exactly either). But they are not positively nonviolent and they are against, not for. That turns me off, so I will not be out in the streets on Nov 4th. But I kinda do wish them luck!

Thanks again for letting me know about this action - coming soon!

#vohcc, #genderequality #nuclear_disarm

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by Roger Eaton
2017-10-04 21:29
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