Re: Voices of Humanity and the Drawdown

The VoH CC will be having a zoom meeting online with our URI Multiregion coordinator - probably this Thursday, October 12 at 9:00am Pacific Time. An email should be going out tomorrow. The main purpose of the meeting is to better acquaint us with URI, but we will have time to discuss our directions as a Cooperation Circle.

I would like to propose that the VoH Cooperation Circle adopt the Drawdown plan for reducing CO2 and nuclear disarmament as two new directions. Maybe this spreads us too thin, but climate change and war would seem to be the greatest of the issues threatening humanity. Moreover, the Drawdown scenarios include important gender equality, indigenous and other issues of great interest. We can discuss this on Thursday.

Thanks all,

#vohcc #drawdown #nuclear_disarm

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by Roger Eaton
2017-10-10 00:38
In reply to this message.
Message Tags: #vohcc, #drawdown, #nuclear_disarm

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