Re: What goals of the U.N. are at the top of your list?
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We are very much on the same page, Andre. I have joined your World-Wide Unity Campaign and look forward to our success!

Here's where I see us being in sync:

  • Need for Women to take the lead
  • Focus on helping the children
  • Focus on interfaith
  • Focus on nonviolent action
  • Focus on Cities
  • Focus on Men
  • Focus on Peace

Your plan to raise 26 million dollars makes sense and is a missing ingredient for Voices of Humanity. Funding and participation go hand in hand, but I have focused on participation as the first step in that ladder, thinking funders will shy away until we have something going.

If you see a role for Voices of Humanity technology in the Global Strategy of Nonviolence FOR the CHILDREN, we should discuss.

The VoH Apart and Together international conversation still needs a couple fixes, but is almost ready to go. The next step will be to resume testing after we line up a couple dozen participants.

All the best!

#UNgoals4cities #un_goals #apart #nvaction

This item was posted by a member of #un_goals as a comment on a #un_goals item in The UN Goals conversation in apart mode.
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by Roger Eaton
2020-10-31 17:46
In reply to this message.
Conversation: The UN Goals
Message Tags: #UNgoals4cities, #un_goals, #apart, #nvaction

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