An interview with Moscow sociologist Greg Yudin on the wartime politics of Russia
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Here is a must read article:

Thanks to Andrew Lichterman who posted the link in the Abolition Caucus google group.

Here is a worrying paragraph from the article: "His military strategy is simple: threaten with nuclear weapons and seize territory. He believes the West to be fundamentally weak, corrupt, and cowardly. This attitude is extremely popular in Russia, and Putin reinforces it. There is a deep conviction in Russia that the West will never risk a nuclear conflict with Russia over a country in the East, be it Ukraine or Poland. What we are now seeing in Ukraine generally confirms his assessment: it is enough for Putin to invoke nuclear conflict to make Western Europe reconsider what it is willing to do to help Ukraine."

I stand by my opposition to arming the Ukraines, but that is not a solution. From the article again, the suggested solution:

"I honestly believe that the world is in great danger. We know this beast from the inside, and we have few illusions that it will stop on its own. The left knows the importance of international movements during big wars. Therefore, it should resist the framing of this conflict in terms of nation-states, e.g. Russia and Ukraine, because that would only strengthen the states and further weaken the people. It is only through international solidarity that this beast can be stopped. And it should be stopped now, before it is too late."

International solidarity here means the people of the world must rise up against Putin's move toward totalitarianism.

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2022-04-05 05:48
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