Hi Rene,
Thank you for mentioning communications - "a network of light with a sense of responsibility for our planetary home" as an important direction for 2024. Our Voices of Humanity forum just might arise this new year as one of those networks of light that you refer to.
The VoH app will be ready to go soon enough. We are also exploring the possibility of making VoH a network of nodes, each of which feeds up to a central node.
Say you are well known non-profit with thousands of users. Well, you don't want to share all those emails, but if you can set up your own VoH node, maybe you are interested, especially if other non-profits are also going to participate.
A multi-level reticulated hierarchy would be too difficult to design and code, but a simple one-level network with a single central node, that just might be doable. Stay tuned!
#The_UN_Goals #peace #together #nvaction